Born in Austria, I have been working in the health sector since I was 17 years old, starting with the training for dental assistant (3 years of practice), then as a nurse in the surgical operation area of AKH Wels, until the birth of my daughters in '86 and '88.
I utilised the baby-break for the training for pool attendants, massage therapist and spine instructor, for acupuncture, segment massage and reflexology, with which I later worked in the accident- and sports medical practice of my husband; another advanced training in 1997 as zilgrei instructor and trainer for health gymnastics as well as in the BodyTalk system. My ambition was to arrive at a holistic treatment via as much versatile training as possible. This includes for me the sport - so I completed the training as personal trainer with Axel Gottlob in Heidelberg and also worked as a trainer in various gyms. With the qualification examination for massage therapist, I started my own practice in 2000. Further training in morphokinetics and Dorn-Breuss method followed. I came across the Bowen technique in 1999 and was immediately fascinated. I did the training for Bowen practitioners and Instructors with Manfred Zainzinger, Elaine and Oswald Rentsch and am active member and chairman of the Austrian Bowen Association. In 2003, I became Bowen instructor of the Bowen Therapy Academy in Australia. In 2003, I became Bowen instructor of the Bowen Therapy Academy in Australia. Since 2007 I have my own practice in Wels as the director of the holistic health centre.
Because Bowen technique seems to me the most effective of all learned treatment techniques, now I have been working mainly with: BOWTECH - with great success